Welcome To Emily's Blog!
Welcome to my blog! I am Emily and I am making this blog for Miss Lesher's 7th grade Language Arts class at the Wissahickon Middle School. This site will be used to compare 2 books. The books being compared are: The Giver and Gathering Blue, both wonderful books by Lois Lowry that our class had to read. This site will help you to better understand the two books and to discuss Lois Lowry's writing style in the two books. Hopefully it will be helpful and get you through the books!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
The Giver vs Gathering Blue
In the two books, there have been some similarities and some differences. Right away, we discover that the main character in each of the books is a younger child. 12 or 13. We find this out in Gathering Blue because Kira's name is 2 syllables and we find this out in The Giver since Jonas has to go to the ceremony of 12. There is a December ceremony in the Giver that they host every year. It is important because it is like a birthday for everyone and it is the day that everyone matures. In Gathering Blue, they also have an important ceremony but this one is in the fall and this one is called "The Gathering". A few obvious differences in the two books are that in The Giver, no one has any feelings or can see any color but in Gathering Blue, everyone feels their own feelings and sees color. In fact, a very important part of the book has to do with color. That is the thread that Kira is dyeing so she can work on the singer's robe. One very important similarity in the two books is that both the main characters in each of them [Jonas and Kira] seemed to have a special gift or power. Kira's was that she had a way with the thread and Jonas's was that he had the power to see beyond things. These powers are very important to each of the books. Both the characters get special jobs based on their powers.Another important similarity is that in each of the books, people are killed if they have a disability or if they broke the rules a certain amount of times. In Gathering Blue, people are taken to the "field" where they are left to die. In The Giver, people are released, which means people are killed... (but you don't find that out until towards the end. In Gathering Blue, you find out about the "field" in the very beginning.) Also, in the Giver, their are no grandparents or step parents or aunts or anything like that. We learn this because in the memory of love, Jonas learns the real meaning of family. In Gathering Blue, Kira has a grandfather and a real father. She already knew the true meaning of family. The two books have many similarities and many differences. They are 2 very different books, but they are also the same.
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Joans washed the Old in bathtubs and he had a dream about giving Fiona a bath. In Gathering Blue Kira was excited to have running water and be able to clean herself...
Is War a Game?

Jonas's friends played the game of "war" and he didn't think it was a good idea...
You do a great job of comparing the two books so that any non-reader of the two could understand how they are alike. I liked the details that you used to compare the characters, plot, and underlying messages. Wonderful job! Great colors! Nice and bright :)
I actually have to do an essay comparing The Giver and Gathering Blue, and I found this website and blog to be very useful.
Through reading the two books, The Giver being a Utopia and Gathering Blue being a Dystopia, I realized what life would be like in these to communities, each deprived of something necessary. The people in The Giver were deprived of love, and the people in Gathering Blue were deprived of teamwork.
Anyway, I really enjoyed this blog. Thanks!
i am in the same class as anonymous
so i also have to do an essay and i thought the person who compared these two books did an excellent job!
it very useful for my assignment and it will be useful for my essay.
you did a great job
I am so grateful for this! We have to do a thing where we compare also! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much!
great job comparing the two novels
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